How Important Is Sunscreen When Skin Lightening?

ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL!  If you choose to treat your skin with a skin whitening cream, you MUST use a quality sunscreen product daily.

fade creamDid you know that not all sunscreens block the sun’s UVA and UVB rays.  These two rays are actually quite different and therefore need to be treated as two different elements.  Where the UVA rays are responsible for aging, tanning and wrinkling of our skin, the UVB rays cause sunburn.  When buying sunscreen, look for ingredients such as Parsol 1789 (at least 3%) or also known as Avobenzone, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide or Mexoryl-Sx.  The higher the SPF, the better protection you get.  There are now sunscreens of up to SPF 70 that are a favorite among dermatologists because they apparently block the majority of both type of sun rays.

Keep in mind that sunscreen is a MUST whether you’re using a skin bleaching treatment or not.  It is your best cover against sun damage and skin cancer, especially in the hours when the sun is shining most intensely.  But sunscreen is not capable of blocking every single UVA or UVB ray.  The ultraviolet rays can still penetrate even in the shade.  Therefore, always protect your skin with sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and/or long sleeved shirts when in a situation where sun exposure is extended.  When using a skin lightening product, you must understand that your skin is in a vulnerable state and the daily use of sunscreen is a must.

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